A Guide on ‘How to Raise Morally and Socially Responsible Children’

4 min readJul 11, 2021

Nowadays, it’s not easy to raise God-fearing, conscientious, morally strong, and socially responsible children. This parenting guide is for all the parents/families who aim to raise morally and socially sound children who grow up to mentor morality, righteousness and add value to society.

If you are bothered by your child’s behavior and don’t know where to make a start, then don’t worry! Here are a few simple tips which probably can give you a way out to expert parenting.

Know the needs of your children

You know that you love your children more than anything, and your children must also know that they are loved unconditionally. It’s the unmet needs of a child which drive him to misconduct. When most of the following conditions would meet, your child is less likely to feel insecure and more likely to stay happy and return the trust he gets.

1. keep an eye on the emotional needs of your child. If he shows a behavior different than usual, then go through his emotional needs checklist. Children are usually less stressed and happier when they feel protected, strongly connected to, listened to, and acknowledged.

2. make sure your kid goes to sleep free of tension, cherished and loved.

3. be sure that he had eaten enough fresh and healthy food and had enough downtime before a good night’s sleep.

Have one-on-one time with your children

One of the best ways to improve your child’s behavior is to have some private, one-on-one time with him, the time when he is not interfered with by anyone else. Give him positive attention and hard-wired emotional connection. If he doesn’t get positive energy from you, he will start seeking it negatively from someone other than you. You can find a remarkable improvement in your child’s behavior by investing a maximum of 10–15 minutes every day.

Everyone must contribute

To make the household run smoothly, everyone must take part in ‘family contribution’ in the shape of responsibilities, chores, or daily living skills. It instills a sense of responsibility and leadership in your child.

Be clear and firm about the family rules

Have a well-defined set of family rules which must be abided by. Be straightforward and firm about the consequence of both breaking and following the rules.

Have healthy discussions with kids

See! You can’t pour from an empty cup. If you want to teach something positive to your kids, you must have a sound knowledge of that in the first place. Prepare yourself with some consequential and healthy topics to exchange thoughts on with your child. Listen to their opinion first and then effectively pour in your thoughts.

A no-no! to saying NO!

Kids pour on us a question frenzy every day. Try to find ways to avoid saying NO to your kids. Even if you feel like saying no, or if you think it’s necessary to say no, be wise and selective in choosing your words. For example, your child asks to hang out at a mall after a tiresome and hectic day. You should better say, “it’s much more fun to go there on weekends. Should we go there on Sunday?” positively molding your statements leaves a better impression on your child’s mind than a clear and straightforward NO!

Never shut your eyes to the source of misconduct

Misconduct is always a result of some other grave issue. If your child is throwing tantrums or responding grumpily, then stay calm and ask yourself what might be causing it. Try to figure out the cause and eradicate it.

In the end, nagging or yelling at kids doesn’t resolve the issues; it escalates them instead. If you are having parenting issues, don’t panic! Just follow these simple tips, and you would feel tremendously changed behavior in your child within a few days. Millions of parents benefit themselves through these simple life-changing tips; they must be helpful for you too!




Rabiah Wajid, a keen content writer who loves to keep playing with the words! More than 7 years of experience in writing makes me a prolific writer by now.